By Dorcas Karuana,
Candidates are often befuddled by the recruiting process, especially when they make a conscious effort to play by the rules of the job advert, only to discover they weren’t even considered for an opening because either their CV fell into a black hole or they never performed well at the interview. 

Recruiters want to match the right job with the right job seeker. Their performance depends on how effectively they match the top talent to the right job. However, with today’s job environment is more difficult since there is just too much talent, and that talent is learning how to market themselves better every day. How then do you stand out from the crowd?

Here are things that can either make you get the job or ruin your chances of getting the job during your application or when interviewing.

What Recruiters Look For In Your CV

1.”Easy” hire- A person with the skills and experience that closely match up with the job description. This does not completely rule out someone with a little less experience out of the job race, but the person that has the skills that most closely match with the job qualifications always has a good chance of getting the job.

2. Job Experience- Look for proof of success in your past job experience. This is what will set you apart from other applicants and give you a leading edge. For instance, awards that you may have won, ways that you saved you former company money, or improved any of their processes. Make sure to spell out all of these types of accomplishments on your resume, so they will be made aware of your achievements from the start.

3. Employment gaps- Jumping around from company to company year after year, is generally viewed negatively by recruiters, because it sends the message that you won’t stay at this job very long, either. However, continuous advancement and growth with limited company changes is looked at very favorably, and shows a strong, driven career path. If you have been a “job hopper” in the past, don’t despair, there are still ways that you can present and sell yourself.

4. Well-rounded candidate- Someone with desirable qualities, other than your work history. For example, you have a degree from a positively regarded college, you volunteer for a local charity, play softball with a local league, or are on the board of your home owners’ association. These extracurricular activities show that you are a driven and balanced person.

What Recruiter Looks For During An Interview

5. Lack of confidence and preparation- Recruiters want people who are self assured and confident to express themselves. You need to prepare for the interview, practice your presentation. Read about the company, the questions to expect and have questions to ask. Your answers to questions should relate to the job and your experience.

6. Physical Appearance – First impression is very important. Everything you wear tells a story about who you are, your priorities, and how meticulously you’ll pay attention to the details of your job. You need to look like a professional.  Did you dress to suit your own fashion sense, or to land a job. Your clothing, hair, make-up, and scent should portray a self assured, confident, professional. It should not be outdated, ill fitted, or revealing.  

7. Communication- Your communication can undermine your clarity, conviction, and misrepresent your personality. Recruiters want someone who can pass a message. Has good communications skills and can listen. Take time to hear what the recruiter wants, and if necessary repeat back their key points. Never talk too much, use poor grammar, giggle, or use slang.

8. Performance – Your posture, how you enter the room, shake hands, eye contact, and even the way you walk all reveal your personality to the recruiter. Take time to relax and prepare before the interview. 93% of communication is non-verbal. If you are angry, fearful, nervous, or confused you’re body language will communicate this to the recruiter.

Dorcas is the Head of Recruitment at Corporate Manpower East Africa.
Email: dorcas(at)

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